
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The joys of subbing!

I know it has been awhile since I have posted...I guess it just slips out of my mind, but yet I always seem to note in my head, what may be blog worthy. I am being a lot worse than Ashley...

With that being said, it has been a busy week with subbing for me which is always good, but no luck with a full time job. With subbing a different day in a different classroom can always be fun, exciting and interesting. I had the joy of being a sub in a classroom with some wonderful students who really worked hard and quiet. Another day lead to half the class being great and the other half running around the classroom with little respect for each other and me. Those days are tough....but when those days are over, a nice relaxing evening is always nice with the wife. 

Recently, I was in a room where there were a great bunch of students. We were outside for recess and in another class, one of the students decided to wander over to a newly seeded area where there was just a bunch of dirt and pick up a handful. Now, this student doesn't listen very well and so an adult took after him running. Mid-way, her feet got tangled up and she went down....hard. I saw the whole thing, and me being me, can't help but laugh when something like this happens (thanks mom!), so I had to look away and try really hard to gain my composure before making my way over to her. Luckily, another adult was close by and made their way over to see if she was alright. It took her a bit to get up but she was okay! What was even worse about it, at that time it reminded me of the video "Scarlet takes a tumble" (if you haven't seen it yet, take a look here: Scarlet takes a tumble) for when the lady fell mid-run and landed, she made some sounds and groans similar to Scarlet. That didn't help at all when I tried to regain my composure. I am glad she is okay.

Another day led to an unexpected morning. I was joining the morning meeting on the floor and a student came up and unexpectedly plopped himself right down in my lap. Going with the flow, as some days you have to do in certain classrooms, we both sat there and listened to morning meeting. Now this student, is not the smallest kindergartener as while he was in my lap his head closely matched my level. Now I know I am not on the tall scale by any stretch, but for a kindergarten student to be that tall....I had to work my head around his in order to see what was going on and on top,  had to make sure to brace myself as he was using me like a chair and putting his weight against me. I struggled to stay in an upright position and welcomed the end of the morning meeting. But I always help out where I can.

Today I subbed in fifth grade and was able to see most of the students that I have taught when they were third graders. It is always fun to see students a couple years later to see how they have grown, or in some cases how they haven't....

~Adding humor to humanity~